I jumped to bed last night earlier than usual so I can also get up early to catch the worm--they say early birds catch the worm, right? I did, however, get up too early before the worm crawled out of the soil. Sleeping at 10pm and getting up at 3am… what’s with me?
I kept tossing and turning hoping that my wandering mind will stop and allow me back to dreamland. I waited but it never came until I could no longer shut my eyes because it hurt soooo much to pretend to be sleeping. However, I was too lazy to even get up and do something like read a book or watch tv to help me go back to sleep. I even tried to recall some tips on how to sleep soundly hoping and praying that it’ll work its wonders on me. I counted sheep (flocks would be more proper) and catered to happy thoughts so I can hush-hush again. But, the time spent were wasted for anymore slumber.
So, I had no choice but to get up at 7am dead tired from lack of proper sleep. Then, I suddenly felt a strong empathy towards my husband who has been forever doing night shifts and affords five hours of sleep a day, seven on a good day which is rare and the funny thing is that he hardly complains and even able to gather the zest he needs to start his day or night for that matter. And to add more to my injury, here I am ranting about the lack of sleep when other people have bigger problems than I do. I should be thankful I even get sleep or get to sleep on a bed and a roof over my head. Ergo, I think I should do some hair pulling and cheek slapping adding one more whack on my head while I’m at it for being ultra selfish and dense.